Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Start in Chinandega

Well, it has become official...I no longer am in studio #94 at Tannery Row. I made the move finally -though I hung on like a middle school girl to her first crush. The timing was right. I am now in the process of getting ALL that was in my studio in a tinier space. And there are so many questions....How do I deal with the dust? Where am I gonna sell all these paintings? How do I calm my ADD brain with all the distractions and FOCUS?
 In the midst of all the turmoil, a dear friend bought a painting and sent me a picture of it in it's new home. Sometimes when I see this, I think "Wow! That looks real!" as if my art isn't really art until someone wants it...
 ...which is really the question I am struggling with, isn't it? Is what we do, what makes us real? Is what we create even real until it is recognized?  And I am blown away by the quiet answer from the Holy Spirit....of course not! God made so much , that we still do know or see or want even to "hang" in our hearts, but it doesn't make it less real. So creating is really an act of deep faith. An act of courage. And a biological urge like any other.....Some with words, some with actions and digging water systems, some with a scalpel, some with books and children's minds, and some with canvas and brush. So my real question is answered, is this all worth it? Of course it is. It is what God made me for. Get ready Chinandega....

Hopefully, with faith it will all work out. Selfie..." My Heart Beats to It's Own Tune"

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