Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rain Rain Come our way! Do not wait or delay!

Well sunny Chinandega is just that- sunny and though we have been teased with a few showers the true "winter" rains have not yet arrived. The air feels heavy, dense and full of languid promise. I have prayed for rain like a pregnant women praying for her labor to begin. The earth can't seem to burst open until abundant rains come.  
The night is the only cool time and I am entranced by the flowers and how they play with the moonlight. It feels surreal and with the noises of our neighbors, the birds settling and the faint music of our neighbors radio and the occasional cackle of laughter or a mom yelling at her child, the evening hours are still and hopeful.
"Night Garden"

I will continue to pray for rain, as it is the only relief from the heat.
It feels like a promise and i am hopeful it comes soon....fully and with great joy, to drench the earth....

(detail of an oil I am slowly working on...)

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