Monday, September 5, 2016

Beauty and Contentment.

How much beauty can our eyes behold before it is too much?

Before we recognize that the beauty before us , is enough?
The smile of a neighbor's baby.
The curve of the handle of your mug.
The particular blue of your sky and the wave of the branches of your tree in the yard.

So much beauty does not make me yearn to see more. Does not fuel a wanderlust in me.

12 moves in 52 years and 17 houses or apartments.

I have wandered enough.

The beauties most poignant are my children's hugs.
My granddaughter's huge smile when she sees me.
My husband laughing with my son in laws.
The crow in my yard and the pigeons in my garden.

How much beauty can our eyes behold before it is too much?
Before become numb? Before we recognize that endless experience does not equal endless happiness?

I have enough.
In all my blessings I see Beauty.
 And it is the Kingdom of God here and now.


nance said...

Indeed the Kingdom of God IS NOW!

Beautiful Sabrina !

nance said...

Indeed the Kingdom of God IS NOW!

Beautiful Sabrina !