Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back in the USA and happy to be reunited with my family and my studio!

I had a wonderful summer "creating" cement structures and lovely material selecto floors....

But I did have a chance to paint a little bit for me.
I painted the inside of the grotto at Villa Catalina. A wonderful artist and friend, Meg McLincha, had a painting to place inside the grotto, but after years we could not figure out how to place this inside without it "walking" away (this is a problem there.)

So Meg's outstanding art is in Casa Blanca and I put this there in memory of Marie Schivaree...

I also was asked by Chris Dubas to paint the inside of the library at Santa Matilde, a daunting task due to the size of the wall and the lonliness of the location. But I actually had a wonderful time thanks to my new friend Domingo (an adorable 5 year old who kept telling me to put more things in the picture"Doña, ponga un pajaro aqui!)

So here are my not so perfect pictures that I took with Kelly Fitzgerald, who made me feel like a million bucks when she saw it. ( thanks Kelly, te amo!)

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