Saturday, December 27, 2008

And a little more.....

"Work is love made visible." Kahlil Gibran

Art is the way I can express how much the beauty of life touches us. I hope that the still small moments I capture in my art will touch others and help them pause and see the beauty of the Master Artist that created all. Some say art is not a need, and so it is not something others will want. But I believe it is a need;or why would the strains of music bring us to tears,the maple in autumn cause us to smile in joy, or the picture make us pause and yearn? We need to be reminded that we are lovely, as is all life. Art causes us to pause and see this magical and crazy beauty that surrounds us daily.

This is the mural on the back of the library in Villa Catalina in Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Sunset

And " Mary Knew"


Susan Spencer said...
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Susan Spencer said...

(ooops, I deleted the first comment I posted, hope this isn't a double post)

Hi Sabrina! I especilly love that first photo and I've seen your mural on the library at 'the Ville' first hand. Very nice! (My daughter Lisa and I did the mural on the side of the Health Center). Kisses to John and you.